Following BlackHat from home - Day 2

Thursday, July 30, 2009

As Black Hat comes to an end we will begin to see all of it's content posted on the internet and have more than enough to read for the coming weeks. Today a lot has been released and I have filtered through most of the talks and presentations and would like to provide you with the best content organized in no order:

Apple iPhone and other GSM phone hack - This topic is hitting the news all over the place, here are the ones with the best content
Cloud Computing
US Cyber Security - the government really wants hackers to work for them!
Parking Meters Hacked
Other full day roundups and blogs
When you are done catching up come back as DefCon is just getting started and more content will be posted as the conferences wrap up.

Till next time,
Jorge Orchilles


One response to “Following BlackHat from home - Day 2”
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yes this blog is very useful
keep it on

July 31, 2009 at 2:21 AM