Google releasing an Operating System: Google Chrome OS

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What many of us have been speculating and waiting for has finally been announced, a Google Operating System: Google Chrome OS.

Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010.

So what does this mean to Microsoft? Panic! If Microsoft didn't see this coming I do not know where they have been. Windows 7 for netbooks will not be ideal, users will turn to the Google OS because it is faster. By mid-2010 almost all of the applications you have installed on your machine will be available online and usable through a web browser. Google's Chrome is currently the fastest web browser and there is not doubt their OS will be any different.

If you are waiting for Windows 7 to be released to buy a new hard core gaming computer, this will not change anything for you. However if you have been holding off buying an internet only system, keep waiting because this Google Chrome OS looks promising.

Here is the New York Times online article.

Till next time,
Jorge Orchilles


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